Negotiation Consulting


We work with our clients to create a negotiation culture that drives profit, mitigates risk and reduces cost. Our management consultants partner with you face-to-face or remotely to implement a rigorous process and proven methodology, and ensure you maximize every variable for a successful outcome.

Whatever your negotiation - merger, trade union dispute, price change, or simply navigating new commercial realities in a time of global upheaval - having our negotiation experts on your team delivers certainty, confidence and guaranteed results.

What is negotiation consulting?

Delivering commercial excellence

Negotiation is widely acknowledged as a core competency for key teams within an organisation, sales, procurement, supply chain. But in reality, all teams negotiate to achieve their business objectives. Many dependent on each other to realise their strategic goals. At The Gap Partnership, we talk about creating a negotiation culture because negotiation expertise is essential to achieving commercial excellence. So, a commercially successful organizations needs to have a culture that facilitates negotiation excellence. Conversely, if you don't have a culture that enables your teams to successfully negotiate, you may struggle to deliver your strategy.

Find out more about ‘negotiation culture’

Negotiation Maturity Calculator

Companies who excel at commercial execution share some common skillsets, attitudes and practices which fall into one of three categories: people, process and organisation. By measuring your company's performance in each of these areas, we can produce an overall measure of commercial negotiation capability – or, in other words, “negotiation maturity”. This is the starting point to instilling a high-performing commercial negotiation culture in your business.

For a snapshot of your organisation’s commercial negotiation score, try out our Negotiation Maturity Calculator.

Industry selection

What we do

We work with commercial negotiation teams to find creative solutions to their toughest negotiation challenges. Our expert consulting intervention ensures you and your team have the process, capability, confidence and mindset to push through the most difficult and complex negotiations and secure the ...

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Why The Gap Partnership?

We are a management consultancy specialising in negotiation. Our consultants help companies maximise profitability and reduce costs by empowering their teams to negotiate better. In the current environment, negotiation is now more important than ever before, as companies urgently need to reevaluate ...

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Our impact

Our consulting work with clients provides tangible ROI, including increased profit, reduced cost and improved efficiencies. Just as importantly, we also provide significant intangible results through developing capability, mitigating risk and instilling confidence throughout the organisation. 

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Example projects

Our projects cover a wide range of scenarios that include mergers and acquisitions, trade union disputes, cost price decreases and annual price increases, supplier rationalisation, joint business planning, outsource contract negotiation, asset divestiture and contract extensions.

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What happens in the first meeting

The objective of the first meeting with a new client is to gain a thorough understanding of the issue at hand. So it involves asking questions, listening and learning about each other. We explore possibilities and establish rapport. We want to understand how you see your challenges so we can start t...

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Virtual consulting

Many businesses are moving toward more sustainable ways of working. To facilitate this, our consultants have the tools and technology to deliver the same impact and results virtually as they would face-to-face. They can work with you and your team entirely online, without the need to step on a plane...

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