Effective leadership can assume multiple approaches, personalities, and styles. The latest edition of The Negotiation Society magazine puts leadership under the microscope and includes candid stories from commercial leaders about their journey to the top, insights from future leaders, as well as expert analysis on the role negotiation plays in professional success.
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A selection of articles from this issue:
Follow the leaders. Six inspirational leaders share their stories.
What is negotiation consulting anyway? Demystifying a powerful support for commercial teams.
Question time. Is it possible to negotiate your way to the top? Our expert panel discuss.
Enhance. The future of procurement and game-changing negotiation toolkit.
Rising stars. Meet rising stars Lisa, Claire, Jo, Barney, and Andri, tipped to be the leaders of tomorrow.
The blossoming of Anu. A tale of growth inside and outside of work.
And much more...
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Emma Weare
The Gap Partnership
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