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Negotiation Maturity Calculator

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Welcome to our Negotiation Maturity Calculator. It will provide a snapshot of the degree to which your organisation drives all aspects of negotiation through a commercial filter. 

This is a light version of our more in-depth Negotiation Culture Index (NCI) diagnostic tool. If you are interested in finding out more or exploring your organisation's negotiation capability in greater depth, then please get in touch.

How commercial is your negotiation culture?

Try our calculator and get your result in just 5 minutes.

There are nine sections to complete. Each section has a scale with a description at either end. Read both descriptions and then decide where your organisation sits between the two. 

Why should I do it?

Identify strengths and weaknesses in your organisation's approach to negotiation and commercial execution

See how your organisation compares to both the industry average, and organisations with high-performance negotiation cultures

Facilitate discussions internally about how to develop and improve your negotiation culture and commercial effectiveness

To begin, select the industry you work in and click on "Start your assessment".