
Hardly any sector has been hit as hard by the coronavirus crisis as the global aviation and travel industry. Can the aviation industry afford to take their eyes off effective negotiations?

O setor de Procurement está pouco a pouco deixando de lado a arte de negociar? A capacidade de negociação dos profissionais do setor de Procurement está se esgotando? As equipes de vendas estão obtendo vantagem nas negociações?

Realizamos uma pesquisa para obter ideias e propiciar o aprendizado sobre o papel do gênero na negociação. Este resumo executivo compartilha as principais conclusões da pesquisa.

Procurement professionals are leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI) to change the way they run their businesses. And, whilst we haven’t yet found ourselves in a world where a wire-veined adamantium humanoid is going to take our jobs, we have arrived at a place where technology could enhance nearly every action we take.

The inexorable rise of digital has now sky-rocketed to be front and centre of the world's consciousness, powering us through times of social distancing and quarantine.

The extraordinary time that we are currently living through focuses minds on the fragility of being human. Because what this current crisis is showing us all too clearly is that, as humans, we are vulnerable.

Um guia prático e detalhado para negociar com sucesso o santo graal dos acordos corporativos: planos de negócios conjunto. Fazê-lo bem significa chegar a um acordo que seja de benefício mútuo, tenha riscos minimizados e seja apropriadamente propriedade e gerenciado por todas as partes.